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The usrbin Go SDK is designed to be integrated quickly into any single-binary CLI that's written in Go.


  • The CLI must be written in Go
  • The CLI must be compiled into a single binary
  • The CLI releases must be published to a GitHub release page
  • The versions must be semver compliant.


What do you need do before starting? You have to bring a plan -- where do you want it integrated? If you are stuck thinking, here's some inspiration:

version and version upgrade

% my-ctl version
my-ctl version v1.0.1
There's an update available. The latest version is v1.0.2.

$ my-ctl version upgrade
Downloading my-ctl v1.0.2.
Performing in-place upgrade.
Upgrade complete.


go get


Somewhere, in your code (probably in the version CLI handler)

usrbinsdk, err := usrbin.New(

Supported options


When provided, this will be the source used for checking for updates. Usrbin will query the latest release tag on this repo, and (assuming it's semver compliant), compare it with the current version. If the latest release is newer, the usrbin SDK will return information about this release to your code.


When provided, this will link your integration to a homebrew formula. This is necessary for usrbin to detect if your binary was installed on the machine using brew. Without this, usrbin will overwrite versions of your binary that were installed by Homebrew.


The following functions are exported from the Go SDK.


The GetUpdateInfo function will return the information about any available update, if one exists. It returns nil if there is no update available, or an error if something unexpected happened or the SDK wasn't able to check.


func PrintVersion() {
    currentVersion := "v1.0.0"

    usrbinsdk, err := usrbin.New(

    updateInfo, err = usrbinsdk.GetUpdateInfo()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error getting update info: %s", err)

    fmt.Printf("Current version: %s\n", currentVersion)
    if userInfo != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Update available. Version %s is available to install.\n", updateInfo.LatestVersion)


The CanSupportUpgrade function returns a bool, indicating if the current system and installation will support in-place upgrades by usrbin. This will return false when the current installation is suspected of being managed by a supported package manager


The ExternalUpgradeCommand will return a string with the best guess at the package manager command that should be executed to upgrade, when the current installation is managed by a package manager.


The Upgrade command performs an in-place upgrade of the CLI. The current process will be replaced with the latest version.